SI3R's Annual Meet & Greet Brunch is Legendary ...
and this year it's going to be GREAT!
You're Invited! Women all over the Tri-Cities gather together to enjoy one of SI3R's most popular annual events. It's so GREAT to connect with friends and show them what Soroptimist is all about!
You're treated to a fabulous member-created Brunch menu, roaring twenties-themed libations and a costume contest that anyone can win … Guests also have a chance to support SI3R in fun ways during the brunch - buy your Mom mums (Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12), enter a raffle drawing, and so much more.
Plus! We'll have special presentations about SI3R and the Soroptimist mission, mixing and mingling in a welcoming atmosphere - what's not to like?
SI3R's Great Gatsby Meet & Greet Brunch
Saturday, May 11 from 11a.m. to 2p.m.
Columbia Sun Resort, 103907 Wiser Pkwy, Kennewick, WA 99338
Would you like to join us?
Please RSVP by email to by May 1
Don't forget to dress to impress (it's not mandatory, though.) Everyone gets to vote!